The CoC defines this commitment by the willingness to assist and impact the lives of people who are experiencing homelessness, as well as to prevent and end the socially important condition of homelessness.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to foster a community-wide commitment to ending homelessness. It provides funding to nonprofit organizations and state and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families, aiming to reduce the trauma and disruption caused by homelessness. The program also promotes access to mainstream services and helps individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency.

At the core of the St. Louis City CoC are its members.

  • Membership is open to any organization or individual interested in supporting the effort to prevent and end homelessness in St. Louis.

  • There are no fees or dues required to join.

  • The CoC carries out its work through various committees.

Explore the descriptions of these committees and the CoC below, and learn how you can get involved. You don't have to be a member of the CoC to participate in a committee.

Duties & Responsibilities

STL CoC Members will vote and discuss various CoC policies, procedures and services that will prevent in end homelessness in the City of St. Louis. New members will receive voting privileges 6 months from the approval date of membership. Each member organization shall be entitled to one vote. Each individual member shall be entitled to one vote. Only active member organizations will have voting privileges. Active membership is determined by the member’s attendance at general and committee meetings. To be considered an active member, members must be in attendance at 50% of general meetings and 50% of at least one committee’s meetings. Each member must serve on at least one of the committees.

STL CoC Members will represent the mission of the CoC in a positive and respectful manner. Read our Mission, Vision and Values. STLCOC is a broad-based partnership to prevent people within the community from becoming homeless and to find ways to end homelessness. Through interagency collaboration coordination and collaboration, STL CoC will provide homeless people with effective services, and help them obtain affordable housing. STL CoC shall serve in a collaborative capacity to the Division of Homeless Services of the Department of Human Services of the City of St. Louis.

Continuum of Care Board Members

Chair: Kathy Connors (

Vice-Chair: Christina Syberg (

Secretary: Shanna Nieweg (

At Large: Calencia Mitchell (

At Large: LaKeysha Fields (

At Large: Michael Burns (

At Large: Reona Wise (

Advocacy: Virginia Shelton (

Coordinated Entry: Sarah Sunseri (

Governance & Membership: Tammy Laws (

HMIS: Myron Gray (

Program Performance: Rich LaPlume (

Service Delivery: Anthony D'Agostino (

System Performance: Teka Childress (

Consumer Council: Toni Jordan (